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November 20, 2010

It Started in the cupboard under the stairs... :)

Yesterday i just watched Harry Potter 7 : The Deathly Hallows Part 1 !

Oh My the movie was awesome ! marvelous ! better than before :) ! also sad and creepy and more darker than usual, wich i love :) *wink* !

i just finish taking my picture and make it the undesirable no 1 poster for my facebook photo profile :) hahaha so fun and cool ! u can see it in my fb account :) !

well, slow down no spoiler here.. haha !

Daniel Radcliffe is so HOT !!! in this movie ! i always like Ron more than Harry but now Ron is kinda ugly and Harry really hot and handsome omg ! and hermione becoming so skinny but pretty too ! and now Emma's pixie haircut is so cute and adorable too :)

and as usual every year i watched it with my family or besties ! :)


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