Blogger Widgets

January 21, 2011


Sudah LULUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS YAYYYYY FINALLYY !!!! im graduated now finally ! S.Ds. yang adalah Sarjana Desain ! BACHELOR OF DESIGN from Design Department of Art and Design Faculty! hohohohoh happy happy !!

Setelah sidang tanggal 12 januari 2011 kemarinnnn :D now it's time to welcome to the real world as they say...huff job job job workingggggggg orrrr going to university again ? hahahaa ambil s2 sastra inggris humm..cita2 gw juga tapi binunnnnn huff"...yudisium dan urus2 wisuda dannnn wisuda dehh thats it jreng jreng jreng ! its almost like surreal to me, its so long but feels short thought...this final assignment...

thx to temen2 sekelompok dan bapak dosen pembimbing dan dosen penguji hoho dan semua tmn2 yg memberikan dukungan dan juga tentunya my God and my fam ! anywayssss this just a crash blog posstt im in a hurry lol

buh-byeeee catch ya later wif new posts !



btw happy new year 2011 guys ! :)