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March 28, 2009

Something Cute for The Eyes ...

The Ting Tings - We Walk


You never alter
You're always you
Everything's breaking
But I don't care
Smash the rest up
Burn it down
Put us in the corner
'cus we're into ideas

Take these edges
They're inside out
No one will notice
They're looking elsewhere
We can't be honest
We call it off
We got the choice if
it all goes wrong

We walk, we walk
We walk, we walk

You see the changes
In things that come
It's how you deal with it
When switching off
Make a decision
A precondition
We got the choice if
it all goes wrong

We walk, we walk
We walk, we walk

When nothing makes
you feel good
Then nothing makes
you feel good

March 26, 2009



Guys...ayok2 buat Account di

kaya blog gitu..tapi lebih seruuu^^


dia tuh lebih banyak en gampang post2 gambar, foto2, lagu, dll. gt...en kita bisa reblog dr fellow tumblrs yg laennya ^_^ hmmm keknya msh website baru gitu dehh jadiii agak belom terlalu rame tumblr iniii tp sgt2 bikin ketagihan and so much fun hehehe ^_^

let me know if u hv one... :)'s Thursday and it's a holiday!

have a nice Full Super Day...!!

:D MWaaccKkZz ^_^

March 17, 2009



A Great novelist


^^ dia nulis buku - buku yang keren bgt menurut gw..en gw udah baca beberapa buku karya dia seperti Virgin Blue, The Lady and The Unicorn, Falling Angels, en nonton film dari novel dia Girl With A Pearl Earring ( filmnya bagus bgt en udah gw tonton berkali2 sampe puluhan kali..yg maen Scarlett Johanson en ga tau kenapa tuh film emang drama banyak diemnya yang biasa buat gue BT, tapi bagus bgt jalan cerita en akting si ScarJo itu kayanya nenangin bgt gitu dari settingnya, properti, dll. gw demennn bgt^^), en gue lg nunggu2 bgt buku dia yg judulnya Burning Bright muncul di Indo pasti gw beli^^.

Novel - novel dia tuh campuran antara kenyataan en imajinasi dia, di buat alur cerita gt, kaya Girl With A Pearl Earring kan aslinya cerita itu dari lukisan yang asli ada en dia ciptain cerita berdasarkan latar belakang, tahun kira2 saat lukisan itu di buat gt deh kebanyakan novel2 dia ^^ en kebanyakan jadul2 gitu 1800 - 1900 an gt makanya gw lebih demen lagiii yg jadul2 gt ^O^ ada lg ga sih novelis seperti dia? ksh tau plz^^ gw borong bukunya..hehe :D

Cover - cover novelnya juga keren2...liat deh berbeda buat di tiap negara en anggun2 banget...keren misteriusss..hahaha XD



by : Tracy Chevalier

January 1901, the day after Queen Victoria’s death: Two families visit neighboring graves in a fashionable London cemetery. One is decorated with a sentimental angel, the other an elaborate urn. The Waterhouses revere the late Queen and cling to Victorian traditions; the Colemans look forward to a more modern society. To their mutual distaste, the families are inextricably linked when their daughters become friends behind the tombstones. And worse, befriend the gravedigger’s son.

As the girls grow up and the new century finds its feet, as cars replace horses and electricity outshines gas lighting, Britain emerges from the shadows of oppressive Victorian values to a golden Edwardian summer. It is then that the beautiful, frustrated Mrs Coleman makes a bid for greater personal freedom, with disastrous consequences, and the lives of the Colemans and the Waterhouses are changed forever.

A poignant tale of two families brought reluctantly together, Falling Angels is an intimate story of childhood friendships, sexual awakening and human frailty. Yet its epic sweep takes in the changing of a nation, the fight for women’s suffrage and the questioning of steadfast beliefs.

March 15, 2009



by : Jacqueline Wilson

The Lottie Project is a story about Charlotte Enright (Charlie) set in late 20th century England. Charlie is the most popular girl in her school. She assumes she will find history lessons boring but she sees a Victorian photo of a girl who looked exactly like her and from then on she becomes interested in history. Charlie decides to write her history project as the fictional diary of a Victorian servant girl named Lottie.

The novel alternates between the narrative of events in Charlie's life and extracts from the diary

A Very cute novel ^_^ haha..i always love great cover and cute plot it's really nice and relaxing also fun !! XD


Menderitaaaa...setelah bertahun2 ga maen bultang akhirnya maen lg brg tmn2 gw maunya si rutin tiap minggu, secara udah jrg abis gerak badan hahaha...tau2 kmrn maen malah ankle..sampe bengkak..sakittt...susah bgt bingung gmn ene bsk kuliah udah bolos pol pula 3x...2x pertama gara2 sakit kena virus mirip DBD/tipes...oh God...moga2 cepet sembuh...mau ke WC ajah jalan setengah mati menyeret2 kaki yg super nyeri!!! T_T huaaaaa....

Acara pergi minggu sore en senen malam keknya bakalan batal nih!! huhu!! T_T sebelll...btw skrg ud boring jg maen inet gtw mau buka apa...pdhl byasa napsu bener hahaha X)

Have a great weekend everyone T_T and be careful sebelum olahraga pemanasan dolo en jangan ampe ankle kaya gw! menderita tauk! hahaha.. :)