Blogger Widgets

February 27, 2009

Blue Sky...~

HeYa...^^ Haven't been posting my blog for quite a while^^ and now almost a month i didn't play audition dance online..because now it's really boringggg hahah dunno why ^^; but it's good so i can do many things with my time ^o^V

Hmmm...skrg lg demen bgt sama Danny Choo ahakkk XD gtw napa keren bgt deh dia...i found him when i was webwalking...cie elah webwalking! kwkwkww...skrg lg demen bgt deh sama blogwalking jugaa ^^ cek aja web lengkap en kerennya

en ternyata dia tuh anaknya Jimmy Choo..yes! Jimyy Choo sang legenda pembuat sepatu2 yang sgt bold en fierce itu hahahah... XD
jelas ajah tajir bgt tu org en gadgetnya lengkap abissss...makan dalam setaon jg di dokumentasiin tiap hari ke restoran gt..secara mahal y bok di jepang...parkir 5 jem aja 5000 yen bouw...hahaha XD~

yah skrg lg demen2nya blogwalking^^ yg bgs2 gw pasang di sebelah kanan blog gw link nya hahaha sp tau next it's blog aja sih web jg kok yg keren2 sooo...feel free too check it out...

kuliah skrg jg lg di mulai lg nih tugas2 udah mulai menunjukkan kepalanya hahahah...XD en gw beli laptop baru today hehehe...senengnya ^^V

bln Maret jg les EF gw di mulai en pelayanan dance gw di gereja...duh pgn nulis blog pk english tp males gt krg gmn gt yak agak formal sih bahasa english mah...

skrg lg demen jg nulis diary lg manual! di buku diary gw so pastinya....rajin minum amino collagen jg...trus" doggy2 gw tambah lucu bok.... ^_^ kangen jg sama smua tmn2 lama..

oh iya i found these in someone's website lupa haha

keren dehh

wow cool! Ayumi nya ahak^^ keren" ada lagunya aja cuy di google tar jg kuar webnya di webnya ada lagunya keren dahhhh!! mantaphh!! sama bs DL wallpapernya cuy yg gw post di atas...ahak...ini" linknya haha here X)

Kmrn sempet foto2 jg some cute things...sister..and jd males ih cuy editnya scr komp gw baru di formar photoshop cs3 gw ilang...ada cd photoshop cs4 eh hang error gt bt dah! jd nunggu beli nih / pinjem tmn gw lagi deh... cs2 lambat cuy males editnya...

oyah..dah pasang kawat gigi juga sejak kapan yahh january keknya deh hmm di cabut 4 gigi sakit..susah makan gw ampe sakit gt tp skrg udh sembuh^^ hahaha...

lg demen gila abis bgt sama lagu ini "All Through the Day - Dick Haymes and Helen Forrest" ughh i love OLD TIMES!!! XD gyaaa...!!! it's 1946 song ! ^^V

February 1, 2009

About Me...

You are Red Koala who is cheerful and happy person.
You are friendly to every one, but at the same time, you are a person who doesn't want to lose, and are strong person.
You also have a very emotional side, and can not turn down favors.
You act like a big sister to every body.
You are a type of person who takes things too seriously.
You can get heated up on something, yet can quickly lose interest.
You are very sensitive to trends, but have a tendency not being able to use that advantage.
You are very passionate and emotional person.
You have lots of likes and dislikes.
You tend to act on emotional spur than by reason, and can be very nervous.
You also worry great deal, and therefore sometimes end up not being able to exhibit your talent.
You have natural instinct, and are good negotiator.
You will say things in straight forward manner, and although you tend to be a rational person, people often misunderstand you as being selfish.
This is because your ideas cover too wide aspect, and do not know where to stop.
To use this unique talent, you should find someone who is wise enough to understand and realize you.
He will lead you and draw out your talent to its greatest.
You should always try to train mentally and physically.
If you can make use of your personal interest, you may find a side of yourself, you didn't realize before.
After marriage, you will keep the house secure for your husband, and at the same time keep your own career.

bener bangettt,,,gue bgt,,,hahahaha,,, ^^

Every Five Things

Every Five Things

Di tag jojo,,,krn gw ngebaca dr blog dia haha...pertama kali di blog gw ngisi gini2an macam FS...


The rules to fill this are:
1) You own a blog where you're gonna post this to,
2) You currently feel bored,
3) You won't skip any question,
4) You're alive (doh!), and
5) You're gonna send this to 5 friends to fill these up.

Firstly, describe the current you in 5 words:
cheerful,emotional,funny,love dog !
5 things you love about life:
family,hobby,friends,leisure,and food!

5 famous people you'd love to meet:
Steven Spielberg, Gordon Ramsay, Mozart, Charles Dickens, and Van Gogh

5 movies you love:
Sex and the City, The Notebook, Girl With A Pearl Earring, Harry Potter, LOTR

5 professions you'd love to have:
Desainer laaarrr...., Painter, Detective X), Curator, Kritikus

5 best authors:
J. R. R. Tolkien, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Tracy Chevalier, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

5 inspirations:
magazines, internet, friends, family, great movies (sama :) )

5 favorite stuff:
Computer, everything antique, Magazine, Tv, Handphone

5 things you hate:
Copycat, liar, people user, backstabber, people who thinks they're greater than anybody

5 favorite places:
in front of computer, bedroom, di manapun bersama tmn2, CL, TA hahahaha...

5 girls/guys you are currently liking:
family, friends, and lovahhh hahaha X) dont want to mention any names...

5 things you wanna improve more about yourself:
nearer to God, kekurusan :P, ketidakegoisan, posthink, explore my life

5 things you would take to a deserted island:
Dog ! novel yg bener2 tebel biar ga abis2 bacanya XD, Computer dgn koneksi internet hahaha, handphone dgn sinyal tentunya hahaha, food !

5 places you wanna visit:
London, Japan, Germany, France, Scotland

5 things you really want:
motor, new computer, ipod, new dog, violin

5 songs make you cry most:
Errrr..... ga ada deh kekny... ~_~ lagu2 classic yg menyentuh hati hahaha...

5 impossible dreams:
ga mau tua", mau tau misteri2 dunia en explore them, mau tau pikiran God, bisa terbang, bisa invisible

5 dreams in the future:
kurusan lagi, sukses kuliah, find my soulmate, have a really happy life, intim sama God

Tag ke :
5 people i'll meet in heaven...halah...sapa ajah deh yg mau hahaha... :) GBU all !